Research Interests
1) Al Saif. A , Waly.E and Alsenany. S :The Prediction of Falls Among older people in Saudi Arabia, Journal of American Science. 2012, 8(6).
2) Alsenany. S and Al Saif.A : Diabetic foot infection and prevention measures: A literature review. Nature and Science, 2012;10(9)
3)Alsenany .S and Al Saif,A: Comparison between Saudi and British nursing students toward working with older people. Journal of American Science, 2012, 8(7):
4) Alsenany .S and Al Saif, A . Developing skills in managing Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE).Life Science Journal, 2012;9(3)
5 ) lSaif .A and Alsenany,S : Dizziness among older adult. Journal of American Science 2012;8
6) Alsenany.S (2011). An Exploration of the Attitudes, Knowledge, Wilingness and Future Intentions to Alsenany(2010)Work with Older People among Saudi Nursing Students in Baccalaureate Nursing Schools in Saudi Arabia. British Society of Gerontology ,Volume (21), Number(4)
7) Alsenany, S. (2010). ‘Prevention of patient falls in University Hospital. Generation review’. British Society of Gerontology Journal, 21(5), April 2010.
8) Alsenany, S. (2010). ‘Achievements and Success Experience in UK.’ The first-ever academic forum for Saudi female students, designed to allow Saudi academics to share their experiences and achievements in the UK and Ireland, University of Sheffield, 27 March.
9) Al-Senany, S. (2009). ‘An exploration of the attitudes, knowledge, willingness and future intentions to work with older people among Saudi nursing students in baccalaureate nursing schools in Saudi Arabia.’ PhD dissertation, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.
10) Al Senany, S. (2009). Student nurses’ attitudes and knowledge towards the care of older people in Saudi Arabia. "Generation review". British Society of Gerontology Journal, 19(4), October.
11) Alsenany, S. (2009). Personal reflections on my study in UK. READ journal, 10.
) Alsenany, S. (2009). Care of older people: a students and teachers' perspective. Poster presentation at Surrey University in 5-6 June 2009. I achieved prize as recognition for an outstanding poster.
) Alsenany, S. (2008). ‘Care of older people in Saudi Arabia’. Culture, Diversity and Ageing: Translating Research into Policy and Practice, Cardiff, 14th - 15th May 2009.
Alsenany, S. (2006). Six senses in care of older people. Poster at Northumbria University, UK, 3 May.
15) Salsenany ,S. (2005). Risk Management in Hospital and Prevention of Patient Accidents. MSc dissertation, University Of Wales, Swansea, United Kingdom.
16) Al Saif. A , Alem. H and Al Senany. S. Efficiency of the Deep Head Hanging Maneuver for Anterior Canal Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. JPTS Vol. 24 No. 11 (December 2012).
17) Al Saif. A and Alsenany .S . The influence of neck muscle fatigue on dynamic visual acuity. 2012.In review.
18) Al Saif .A and Alsenany. S. Dizziness among older adult. Journal of American Science. Journal of American Science 2012;8(8).
19)- Al-Saif.A, Al-Nakhli.H, Alsenany.S. Physical Therapy Examination and Intervention Process for Patients with Cervicogenic Dizziness. Journal of American Science 2012;8(9).
20) Al Senany .S and Al Saif. Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), A complete Guide To Exam Success.2012, LAP LAMBERT Academic publishing. Book ISBN ,,978-3-659-21271-0 , 2012 .
21) Al Senany .S and Al Saif.Aspects in the care of older Adult.2012, LAP LAMBERT Academic publishing. Book.ISBN,10: 3659192732
22) Al Saif and Alsenany. Advancement in Cervicogenic Dizziness Reseach .. LAP LAMBERT Academic publishing. Book ISBN, 978-3-659-21208-6 16-
23) Asaif,A, Alsenany.S, Whaly,E. Falls and Gait patterns among older people. LAP LAMBERT Academic publishing. BookSBN,978-3-659-2×tamp=1348142348397